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    Our smoke shop offers extensive hookah, vape, and CBD products for the benefit of our clients.
    Whether you are looking for vaporizers or Delta 8, we have the right products for your needs.
    Wild High Smoke Shop- Tobacco, Vape, Glass provides exceptional selections in Carol Stream, Illinois.

Our Services


We specialize in a wide range of tobacco products, providing the best smokes for each of our local customers.

Electronic cigarettes
Electronic Cigarettes

Our store offers high-quality electronic cigarettes and vapes in a variety of delectable flavors for your enjoyment with each hit.

CBD Oils

CBD oil is always available at our shop to help local customers unwind and decrease their stress levels throughout the week.

2022 09 26
Smoking Accessories

Wild High Smoke Shop- Tobacco, Vape, Glass provides smoking accessories, including glass pipes and vaporizers, in Carol Stream, IL.


star star star star star

I had a great experience at this shop. The owner aafi ali is very kind and helps me get what i need she assists me in buying vapes and bongs i buy a bong from there every month because they are already in a low prices and they have added 20% off on it which is in very low price the deals on their vapes i bet i never found it in whole chicago my family my friends everyone visit that store everday i go i see someone who i know and i meet most of my relatives in that shop. Would definitely recommend who all are seeing this review visit the store...

star star star star star

The smoke shop is having most diverse and vast variety of glass collections bongs glass pieces and the pods device i take its been a month i am buying devices and vape juices they have a lot of flavours for my geekvape device i brought from them and they have everyday different flavour and they keep changing their stuffs and keep some for regular ones everytime i need one i just go there and buy what i want, the staff is good they always keep on going in a flow of talking and making me happy whenever i go i feel good so i highly recommend everyone to visit this smoke shop.

star star star star star

I found this awesome smoke shop with so many wonderful pieces from which i find everything i want in my daily life!!! The things are very unique and some of them i dont see in other shops. Aafi the owner over there she helped me alot in selecting bongs and hookah i needed and the incenses and candles over there are a lot more good than walmart and other places. If someone is looking for good smoke shop in neighborhood this is tue one you need in ur daily life and i visit two to three times over there. With personal experience they have low prices and good things over there.

Contact Us

377 N Gary Ave
Carol Stream, IL 60188

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